Rooting but won’t stay on the boob



My daughter is 3 weeks old and her newest thing lately is rooting like crazy but when I get her on my breasts to feed she will stay on for like a minute max and then pop herself off, but then start to cry if I don’t put her back on, and then pops off again in like 10 seconds. And on and on it goes. What can I do to help her get through this? As I don’t think she is actually hungry when she does this. Try a pacifier to see if she just wants to suck, and won’t keep that in either but continues to root. What do I do??

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My son did this and turned out he had a lip tie so couldn't get a good latch/seal so was coming off a million times and wanted to feed ALL the time


Desiree • Feb 25, 2019
My son has a lip tie and did this also. Gained like a champ, though. Do you keep your breast punched? Is it possible you're too full?


p • Feb 25, 2019
My son was still gaining 1.5-2lbs a week and it only started happening once my breasts stopped being so engorged. It might also be reflux or gas pains. Babies think breast milk will fix it and get pissed when it doesn't but keep going back for more


Madison • Feb 25, 2019
My son was the same. Tongue and lip tie, would latch poorly and never stay on.


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Maybe she need to burp? Or doesn’t actually want to nurse but wants to suck.


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Try hold your boob for her it will help her latch better they do that my daughter still does that Nd she 4 months old it’s normal they sometimes forget how to latch just but just hold your boob or switch her too the other side


jennarae • Feb 25, 2019
You’re welcome. Try laying on your side and her laying next too it could be she’s trying to get comfortable it works


Jessica • Feb 25, 2019
Thanks I’ll try the boob holding and see how that goes


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Could be a tie or gas. Babies soothe by sucking.


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If you don’t think she’s hungry try a pacifier. If she IS hungry that’ll really piss her off and you’ll at least know that she’s hungry.


Jessica • Feb 25, 2019
Tried and she just keeps spitting that out too