Is this normal


My son is almost 4 wks old I've been ebf but he has had a bottle here and there and does fine with it and going back to the boob. I try to pump 2 to 3 times a day and I HAVE to pump twice at night to avoid engorgement. I was pumping about 3 to 4 oz every time well I recently started taking lactation cookies drinking teas Gatorade oatmeal etc. Well now I'm only pumping about 1 1/2 to 2 oz per breast. Can I be over doing it will all the stuff I'm taking for the extra supply or is my milk drying or what's going on. Also baby has been eating like crazy for example I fed him a 2oz bottle then he wanted to latch so we did then he was still hungry so he had the other 2 oz I had pumped from my other breast and then he ate from the breast again all this within 2 hours is this normal? And is this maybe why my milk is low" so I think