help please

my step mother passed this month from cancer and during her passing she was talking about how she loved playing with my little boy. i don’t have children but have been TTC but no one knows besides me and my spouse...she also said i would have two little boys by christmas.. my spouse has a 4 year old boy....i’m 5 days away from my period. this month we didn’t exactly try try because of our busy schedules but we did BD right before and after ovulation. i have cramps and sore breast (just in the past two cycles have my breast started hurting before period) just after hearing her say that i’ve gotten my hopes up that this will be it. but if she’s right then it’s either this month or next month. i work in heath care and usually when the residents start talking about babies someone ends up pregnant i’m just curious as to if someone has any input on if maybe my step mom could sense i was becoming pregnant and said that