My relationship with God

Something I've come to notice recently is, I might be viewing God in the wrong light? I was raised in a really religious Pentecostal household. I never liked going to church but it was just because I never liked the people in that church. They've always been so rude, judgemental and fake. But I always believed in God. When I was younger when my mother would tell me about God it was always in a scary way. Like she would say God would punish me if I ever did anything wrong or when I didn't want to go to church and would stay home alone she would tell me it's just me and God and I better not make him angry or God doesn't like ugly and whatever. So I've always thought of God as a big, scary man who's watching my every move and judging harshly. I've always been scared of God. Tbh I still am. It makes it hard to have a relationship with your higher power when you're scared of them or scared of the thought of them. I know people say you should fear God but I'm not sure this is what they mean.

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Not at all. I’ve often thought of fearing God like fearing putting a fork in an electrical socket. I’m not going to lose any sleep over it, but I know it’s dangerous and I respect its power. It’s more of a respect thing and basically not thinking of God as some pushover. You were taught so many terrible things, and I’m sorry. God will punish His people as needed as a good parent would with the children they delight in. It wouldn’t be cruel, angry, or anything bad. It would be corrective, and sometimes He just lets consequences play out instead. What you were taught is so far off base and I’m sorry.


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There’s nothing to be afraid of. As long as you do the best you can and be the best you can be and are sorry for your sins, God is not to be feared. Fearing God is another way of saying “ Show the Lord proper respect and love”, and fear being a bad person and the devil. Holy Father God is who saves us, and keeps us safe. He’s not the enemy or someone to blame when things go wrong. He’s the one who makes miracles happen out of great tragedy caused by the evil in this world. I once feared Him myself, and was so afraid of meeting him one day. Now I have a beautiful relationship with him and he’s my all. My Holy Father, my best friend. He knows everything so there’s nothing to hide which makes it more comfortable to pray and talk to him. The only thing to fear is not seeing the beauty in his work. Not doing right by him. He’s our one and only judge and loves us all. As a mother and soon to be mother again to twin identical boys, can you imagine what it would be like to have unlimited children all over the world and new ones being conceived and born everyday? He loves us all so much and worries about us and the state of the world we live in just as much, if not more than we love our own babies and children. We just want them to do right. He wants the same for us ( All of his children). I was born and raised as a Catholic but I don’t follow it. I’m spiritual and love God ore and more everyday. I have my own personal relationship with him. Trust in him and you’ll see. Never Lose your faith. 🙏💯❤️😇🥰


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Going to church is not a commandment. So not going is not a sin. But observing Shabbat is a commandment and Christians sin by not observing it. As you grow, try to stick to yourself bible so that when people tell you things, you will know the difference between the word of god and church culture. Why would god punish you for doing something that’s not a sin. Sin is seen in relation to commandments being observed. Do not forsake the gathering is not a god given commandment. Some things are just what prophets spoke in their own opinion. Christians crack me up talking about sin but they eat pork, non -kosher meats, break Shabbat, don’t observe any of the holidays for events we were commanded to remember and celebrate. They enter the temple while on their periods. All sins. But ignore all that and will tell someone they’re going to hell for not observing church culture. Get to know god on your own boo. Because people are people, not god. They don’t speak for god. You pray and build your relationship with god on your own


Mir • Feb 28, 2019
I don’t read the Bible or practice religion. It’s poisoned by politics. It starts wars. It confuses good people into thinking they are going to “hell”. I’m not going to sit here and respond anymore. I’ll pray for you. Have a nice life.


🍑🦄 • Feb 28, 2019
Everything I named is in your Bible. If you like sin that’s your business. And you’re so bothered by it that you missed the point of my comment. Sinning Christians should not be guilting another Christian for not following church culture


Mir • Feb 28, 2019
Actually, we are all parts of God. You’re tapping a little deep into the politics of religion, and not the beauty of Spirituality itself. You talk of these things yourself as if you know exactly what the Lord wants. You’re just not owning up to it. Everyone needs to follow their own spiritual path with God and learn in their own ways. The lord isn’t going to shun you for not celebrating a holiday. Nor will he shun someone if they were to go to church on their period. Like you said, people are people. Don’t be a hypocrite. The Bible has tons of wisdom in it, but it also just a book written by man. All humans sin and make mistakes, you are no exception. You should take a deeper look and reevaluate yourself. Religion is just the politics of Spirituality. Used to bait those from all different religions into arguing about beliefs, what’s right and wrong and what a sin is. We are all human, all sin and make mistakes. Holy Father loves us all and just wants us to be the best versions of ourselves we can be, and to love and worship him in all our own ways. This is why free Will was given to us. 💯


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True God is the most powerful being that ever was and we should have fear when but fear of disappointing God he has a heart and it rejoices when we obey him. Take a look at some of his qualities.(We Referred to God as Jehovah in my religion)God’s wonderful attributes, four are outstanding: his power, wisdom, justice, and love.GOD IS POWERFUL“O Sovereign Lord Jehovah! Look! You made the heavens and the earth by your great power.”—JEREMIAH 32:17.Evidence of God’s power is seen in creation. For example, when you stand outside on a bright summer day, what do you feel on your skin? The warmth of the sun. Actually, you are feeling the results of Jehovah’s creative power. How powerful is the sun? At its core, its temperature is said to be about 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit (15,000,000°C). Every second, the sun emits energy equivalent to the explosion of many hundreds of millions of nuclear bombs.God uses his power to benefit humans in a personal way. How? In the first century, God granted power to Jesus to perform deeds that were truly miraculous. We read: “The blind are now seeing and the lame are walking, the lepers are being cleansed and the deaf are hearing, the dead are being raised up.” (Matthew 11:5) What about today? “He gives power to the tired one,” says the Bible, adding: “Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power.” (Isaiah 40:29, 31) God can supply “power beyond what is normal” to enable us to deal with or endure the hardships and trials of life. (2 Corinthians 4:7) GOD IS WISE“How many your works are, O Jehovah! You have made all of them in wisdom.”​—PSALM 104:24.How do we benefit from God’s wisdom? The Creator knows what we need to be happy. Drawing from his vast knowledge and understanding, he provides wise counsel in his Word, the Bible. For example, it urges: “Continue . . . forgiving one another freely.” (Colossians 3:13) Is that wise counsel? Yes. Research has found that being forgiving can improve one’s sleep and lower one’s blood pressure. It may also reduce the risk of depression and other health issues. God is like a wise, caring friend who never ceases to give us helpful and beneficial advice. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) Would you not want to have such a friend? GOD IS JUST“Jehovah loves justice.”​—PSALM 37:28.How do we benefit from God’s justice? The apostle Peter stated: “God is not partial, but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.” (Acts 10:34, 35) We benefit from God’s justice because he never shows partiality or favoritism. We can be accepted by him and be his worshippers regardless of our race, nationality, education, or social standing.GOD IS LOVE“God is love.”​—1 JOHN 4:8.Although Jehovah did not lack anything, his love moved him to create intelligent beings, both heavenly and earthly, who can benefit from and enjoy his love and care. He unselfishly prepared the earth to be the ideal home for his human creation. And he continues to show love to all humans in that “he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous.”​—Matthew 5:45.We also benefit from another expression of God’s love: prayer. The Bible urges us: “Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God.” Like a loving father, he wants us to turn to him for help with our most intimate concerns. Then Jehovah, in his unselfish love, promises to provide “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.”​—Philippians 4:6, 7.WHAT IS GOD LIKE? Jehovah is more powerful, wise, and just than anyone else. But his most appealing quality is his love. This information comes from search “What Is God Like?”We as Jehovah’s Witnesses encourage others to learn more about God so they may draw close to him because if you do he will draw close to you James 4:8.


Posted at
I can’t relate to this. As a child I was traumatized by a pastor at the church I went to as he told me that because my parents didn’t go to church and didn’t believe in God that I wasn’t welcome and God wouldn’t love or want me. I ended up becoming an atheist and believed that ever time I had something good happen I would be punished. That I could never go to heaven because I could never do enough good to make up for all the evil had done. I had no value to my life believed I was only worth being loved if I was in a relationship where I was beaten and in the end tried to kill myself three different times. My life was set on a path of change many years later and in 2012 God saved me with my daughter. From there His light has grown ten fold and I have three beautiful kids (whom I was told I would never have) been through one hell of a emotional storm and came out with Him as my Savior and Guide for the rest of my life. He doesn’t want us hurt and in pain. As any parent He will let us know when we have forgotten our direction. He always loves and always forgives.


Nniki • Mar 4, 2019
*God’s will to send us to*


Nniki • Mar 4, 2019
I’m sorry you had to bear that No human can say That God won’t welcome other human. Many people believe that God‘s will is too soon us to heaven or hell. We need Study the Bible. Gods will is “ ...that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” 1 Timothy 2:4 that’s why we should always explain the Bible using scriptures.