SPD at Night

Melissa • First Glow baby in December 2016, just found out I'm pregnant again and due in March 2019.

Y'all my doctor always brushes off my SPD when I try to talk about it. Like, I know that basically all pregnant people are hurting by 38 weeks, but I get crippling pain and it is unbearable 95% of the time. I've seen lots of ladies on here like me, crying when they shift around at night, barely able to walk around the house, can't pick up their older kids, cant sit down, can't stand from a sitting position, etc so I know I'm not alone, but I think he just doesn't get the severity of it because he's a guy (this is my only complaint about my doctor because he's been amazing with everything else).

My pelvis popped out of place in a bad way the other day and I've been at least ten times worse than usual. I have an induction date of the 6th, but he is stripping my membranes this Tuesday (tomorrow). I've had bad blood pressure at every appointment since the late second trimester (150/100s usually) but all my urine and blood work comes back fine. I'm seriously considering just begging him to induce me at 38 instead if my BP is bad again because I truly don't know how to deal with this pain for another week. The thought of being a week into recovery in March sounds so freaking amazing right now. He will more than likely say no, but I really think I will ask.