Miscarriage first pregnancy


So in January we decided to officially try without just winging it and I actually got pregnant found out Feb 9 16 dpo we were ecstatic and then on Feb 17 had some pink mucus when I wiped then dark brown was up most of the night because my back was hurting so bad and continued spotting dark for two days I had my levels drawn monday they were 358 not as high as I hoped since I was 5 weeks and 2 days but still hopeful my spotting subsided on Wednesday but I had my other hcg check and by Thursday I found out it had dropped to 240 I was absolutely devastated I couldnt believe it. My worst fear was coming true. I cramped some friday the bleeding never got really heavy and it kinda stopped again by sunday but by sunday night severe cramps in my back and heavier bleeding im also having pain and pressure where my uterus is. How long is this going to go on I had to call in today because Im in so much pain physically and emotionally. Any input would be nice and any encouragement as well.