What do I do? *long post*

Ellie • Zoe-Jane Belle Grimes born April 7th 10.3lbs 15 in head 21 in long at 1:08 AM!

I’m sorry if this is put in the wrong group, I’m not sure where this would go.

So my little sister lives with my dad and step mom. My dad is out of prison on probation. He doesn’t go see his probation officer because he doesn’t “have” the money to pay his probation fees plus fines. (He doesn’t pay on either) this resulted in a warrant for his arrest. He works on a farm and gets paid cash so they can’t find him. They live in a shit trailer. My dad is the one that works on the farm, never on time. They prescribe recovering addicts Subutech (not sure on spelling), and my step mom USED to be prescribed them. And her doctor heard word they were selling them so he cut the script all together. (She also can’t get food stamps because she got caught selling them too and he of course can’t because of the outstanding warrant) They now rely on tech to function. He misses work all the time, and in result doesn’t have money to buy the techs they “so desperately need”. There is NEVER food in the house. I’ve bought food to put in their house and even my mother (HIS EX WIFE) and brother have also, just so my little sister can eat. If she comes to my house she eats like a hog. I mean literal hog! I’ll go buy 200$ worth of groceries on Friday when she comes and by Sunday when she leaves everything is gone. She has been taken out of school since 3rd grade. 5 years later she still doesn’t go to school nor do they do homeschooling for her (I’ve talked to the officer in charge of their school district and he has no documentation of her home schooling, which they claim they make her do) I’m so lost because I know this is serious neglect but with me having two kids I can’t fully take on another child. Please tell me what I should do y’all!