Bd tonight?

Melissa • Daughter 12/1/2016 ♥️ 32 weeker ToF PA MAPCAs ♥️ pregnant with #2 🌈 baby ♥️ MC 10/3/2018 👼

We have been trying to do sperm meets egg. This is our absolutely last month trying to get pregnant before I go on birth control which comes in on March 13th. We really really want a second baby but we have circumstances that make it better to wait a few years if we don't get pregnant this month. Already this is our second "bonus" month because my bc didn't come in on time. I'm on clomid and have stage 4 endometriosis. This is month 8 hard core ttc and an additional 5 months non hard core ttc before that. Of course we were planning on bd tonight and the 27th at least, following sperm meets egg. However I had a cyst rupture today and I'm in a LOT of pain. I honestly thought I was going to pass out from pain when it ruptured. My vision started to go and everything and I turned sheet white. BUT I would do anything to have our baby and I can kind of push through if I have to. Should we bd again tonight?

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