First IUI today!

Red • 26 | Married | Baby Girl 🎀 11/12/19

So my husband and I had our first <a href="">IUI</a> done today! We’re really crossing our fingers that it will be a one and done kind of thing! But we are prepared if it isn’t! Just trying to stay positive!

I took Letrozole CD 3-7

Positive OPK CD 10 (posted picture below)

No trigger shot. Ovulated on my own early this month! I’m only on CD 11 and ovulation was confirmed today after blood work!

Wish us luck ladies. Here were some of my test results from today before the <a href="">IUI</a> and the doctor said with looking at the numbers, there’s a good chance it will work! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Right ovary: one at 16mm

Left ovary: one at 23mm 🎉

•Blood work

E2 (Estradiol/Estrogen levels): 400

LH: 31

•Spermies (He was low because we didn’t expect to ovulate this early and had sex late Saturday night. Oops. Doctor said it was still a good sample for <a href="">IUI</a>.)

Before wash: 48 Million

After wash: 17 Million