Late but no BFP, thoughts?


I typically have a 32-33 day cycle, maybe a day early or late every once in a while. No PCOS or endo.

I am currently on CD42! I’ve tested a few times with FMU, but they’ve all been negative.

I just had bloodwork the beginning of the month and everything was normal. I don’t feel any more/less stressed than usual. I’m not having any obvious symptoms, watery discharge, a little bloated, and my boobs are swollen (not sore). I left a message for my Doctor, but I haven’t heard back yet.

Any thoughts or similar situations? Has anyone (generally healthy) just randomly skipped a period?

I kind of feel that since I haven’t gotten a BFP yet it would be unlikely that I’m pregnant. Surely I would have had at least a faint line, more symptoms, or something!