Funny symptoms

Kay • Mrs.Wilkinson

WARNING contains useless info aswell as some light rambling. So my fiance smokes weed a lot and since day one of my pregnancy the smell has made me nauseous. Today at 14 weeks pregnant im laying in bed being a lazy a** when I get a smack in the face( big whiff) of what he calls "straight dank" (keep in mind hes extreamly ritchy white teenager looking)) so naturally and without hesitation I fairly loudly remind him he isn't aloud to smoke inside. He doesn't reply but I hear rustling then hear him begin to walk back to our bedroom otherwise known as my fortress. I look up to find him staring at me in disbelief. He finally takes a breath and says. "I haven't smoked any I litterally just opend my jar" and we just stared at eachother in disbelief of me smelling his jar acrossed a 800 square foot house.