

Hey guys! Just thought I would write a quick note about this medication.

My husband and I have been TTC for almost two years now. I happened to run out of my meloxicam (a med for joint pain) and found that my period showed up early by like 4 days and was far heavier than it had been in the past year.

I’ve been to several doctors and I’ve told each my medications and that I am actively TTC. Not once was I ever told that this drug could effect my fertility. Not a single time! I’m so angry.

When my cycle started early I thought I would do a quick google and see what shows up. I wasn’t expecting anything because, I mean my doctors know I’m trying to have a baby - I was on clomid for six months to induce ovulation. One google search led me to an article that compares Mobic with PLAN B! What the hell?!

I’m so frustrated. It’s probably my own fault for not looking into it to be fine with but...ugh. I just feel I don’t know, betrayed? Duped? Angry? Annoyed? Why didn’t my doctors catch this?

So I thought I would post this to hopefully save someone the trouble I’ve been through!