Positive or evap line?

I want you to pick positive but I have a feeling it’s an evap line :(

Have been trying to have a baby for a year and 4 months now.

On my birthday I took a test, forgot about it for awhile, came back and “evap line”.

I’ve never had an evap line before except on this day, my birthday. Figures , just my luck.

However I am 9 days

late witch is weird? All other tests I’ve taken since are negative. Woo happy birthday to me :( evap line is worse than a negative because you get your hopes up!

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Posted at
It doesn’t really look like an Evap, test again!


Posted at
Test again in the morning... BUT, I used these strips when I was TTC. My very first positive looked just like this, except a little bit fainter. You could barely see it. So, I'm going to say this is a VFP Good luck! 💖


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Test with a FRER tomorrow morning


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I would wait a few days and take another one but use a different brand or type of test all together. It's possible it's an evap line, alongside the negatives you've had BUT theres always a slight chance the negatives are false. My mom had 13 negatives with me over the course of 3 months even AFTER dr. Confirmed her pregnancy through bloodwork! If you're not confident after you take another test, it wouldn't hurt to call the doctor for some bloodwork! Best wishes and good luck to you!!!


Posted at
Did you take another one after that? I never got an evap line like that with that brand. The rare evaps I got were very thin lines.


🌹 • Feb 26, 2019
Yeah, I took 50 of them and never got that. I’d try with fmu and see what happens. Maybe your urine was too diluted for the others. Good luck and be sure to update!


Mo • Feb 26, 2019
I did, I took like 5 more and all negative. I never got an evap line with this test either, and I’ve taken a lot as I’ve been trying for over a year. Maybe there is a little bit of hope :) thanx for the response.