Grave's Disease and future TTC


Hello lovely ladies and gentlemen,

So about 3 months ago I was diagnosed with Graves disease. Didn't have any symptoms however due to having nonstop hives for 8 weeks they decided to do a whole blood work and found out I had hyperthyroidism. Fast forward and after all the necessary test they decided I have graves disease.At that time my T4 was 22 (not sure what the units are because I'm Canadian) and my T3 was fine and TSH was 0.01. I did end up losing about 10 pounds prior to all the tests (so within 1 month). I ended up going to an endocrinologist and she said that for now she doesn't want me on any meds because she wants to see how my body will handle this. So I started gaining/maintaining my weight. My T4 levels are 14 and T3 is normal and TSH is still 0.01.

I am a FTM and my son is 10 months right now. I do want more kids in the future. My endocrinologist hasn't spoken much about treatment options and what this entails for me and future pregnancies or TTC difficulties etc. She thinks I have a mild form that my body with keep in check on its own (?)

I wanted to ask you ladies who do have it what should I expect. Will I ever get pregnant? What if my doctor doesn't want me on meds at all? What if I don't take other treatment options such as radioactive iodine or surgery? What's worse hyper or hypo?

Thank you ladies and hope to hear from you soon ❤️