Welp It’s Official🍼

💰💍💋RileyBaby💋💍💰 • 1 Princess and counting🤞🏾☀️🎤Music Artist🎼🎂Feb.10🎂 🐝Be Happy😁, 🐝Be Healthy💪🏽 “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato🗣

Went to an OBGYN appt. got everything checked and I’m Pregnant... never would’ve thought I would be a whole future mother, thought I would always be auntie, or tt, or godmother all my life but now I have my own to be all of that and more too, don’t mind me if it gets a little sentimental I just have these awe moments when I wanna tear up but 2 more weeks and we go see the little bean baby🍼🎉