Our little itch was born 2/24/19 at 7:06am by scheduled induction at 37+1


Our little itch was born 2/24/19 at 7:06am by scheduled induction at 37+1. We are so in love. I was diagnosed with cholestasis at 24 weeks!

Our story: I came into L+D in the middle of a blizzard for my induction and was 3cm dilated already with regular contractions. After starting pitocin at 7am and breaking my water at 11am, I had only progressed to 4cm by 1pm. They placed an IUPC and realized I was having intense contractions that were coming one on top of another, but I wasn’t in much pain. They then placed a fetal scalp monitor. They ran back after a few minutes and said baby was getting stressed, and if I didn’t consider an epidural, it would likely end in a c-section as my body was working too hard against the pitocin. I wasn’t opposed to the epidural at all, just hoped I would have progressed a bit more before getting one (I felt weak, I don’t know why!) I got the epidural at 3pm and progressed to 6cm in 30 minutes. By 6:00pm, I was complete, and the epidural had worn off on my right side. But I am grateful for that - I was able to tell when I was contracting, and when I needed to push! They called my doctor, who showed up at 6:45pm. I only pushed for 2.5 contractions (9 pushes total), and she was here! Minimal 1st degree tearing because her hand came out with her head (do your Kegals and squats, ladies). 

I hope you all feel strong, empowered, and like the Superwoman you are through labor. What a condition we have that can be so incredibly stressful and scary. But look at the amazing miracles that can result!