Bipolar medicine and breast feeding

Lacey • Married 💍 to an amazing man🧔🏻, mama to a handsome little boy 👦🏻 born 6/9/17 and a beautiful baby girl 👧🏻 born 3/15/19 Pregnant with baby #3 due December ❤️

Hey mamas I’m scheduled for a c-section March 15th and I am hoping to breastfeed this time around. After my son was born I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder and I took medicine up until I got pregnant with my daughter but I didn’t breastfeed my son bc I wasn’t able. So my question is, are there any moms out there who have bipolar and took medicine while breastfeeding and if so what medicine did you take and did you notice any adverse reactions to the medicine when it came to baby?. I talked to my sons pediatrician and he gave me a website but I’m just not sure how I feel about it and idk how much my psychologist will know about the safety of a medicine and breastfeeding. Any suggestions or information is welcome. Thank you in advance!