Nine month old doesn’t sleep!

My girl is nine months and she doesn’t sleep it feels like and I’m really feeling it. She has always been super attached and wanted to sleep near me. It’s at the point now where I can only lay her down in her bed for maybe an hour on her own and then she wakes up and just cries until we pick her up. She falls back asleep immediately as soon as she is picked up being held. She won’t let us lay her back down once she wakes up at all after her first initial lay down. We can’t let her cry because she throws up if she gets mad enough. When she is laying in bed with us though all she does is kick and switch boobs, but she isn’t ever fully awake. I get maybe two hours of sleep almost every night and honestly I can’t keep functioning on no sleep anymore. When I give her to my husband at night to take for a few she only last maybe an hour and thirty months with him. Any suggestions to help a mom out?