can we start a “i, she, man hater club?”

Men are so confusing and so annoying. Ok. Boom.

This dude I really like and I guess I thought liked me cause that’s what he says. literally posted a picture of his old girl for her bday saying hbday and that she’s always his baby. On social media. For everybody to see. hes not my boyfriend tho we literally just got back good two days ago and he posted the picture yesterday.

But tell me, it’s nothing like that. He hasn’t seen her since his bday which was summer last year. & I know wassup and I need to stop.

Idk why I like him y’all cause he really isn’t shit. Asked me to stay with him the same day. Now he’s ignoring me cause I left when he tried to get me to stay & when I tried to come back over because something happened. He ignored me.

All his friends say they never seen him so happy and we all know they just full of it.

Believe what they do, not what they say. Right? I’m being dumb. Blah. Cause I know my worth but the dick is good & I think that’s why I’m so attached. Idk how girls do it😭 sex and no attachment.

Also I did tell him to fix things with her before he tries to get into anything else with anyone basically letting him know I’m not mad but I understand. My ex’s do the same, will want me but I have a gf they are with because I don’t want them. But he basically told me it wasn’t like that. I hadn’t talked to her and hasn’t done anything.