I need advice from all mommas !!!!

Okay so I’m 7 months pregnant and I love this baby sooo much that’s I’m already so protective over him. I feel like I’m about to bombarded with people tho when I have him and don’t know how to stop it . I told my partner that people can see him in the hospital but after I want a week to get the hang of things before everyone comes over and has rude comments like “that’s not how you do it or somthing” cause I know it’s will hurt my feeling and I’m on full Brestmilk no bottles or pacifiers (cause IIM HIS mom and I pick what I want right?) . Well my husbands sides coming on a little strong texting me how’s my baby and stuff staying that they wanna take him when he gets here and they wanna bottle feed him. I’m getting really nervous cause I’m way to attached to let go of him. I told my husband it’s 5 mins each then back to me for holding him 😂😂 . It’s my first son not there’s. There all asking to stay the night when he gets here I mean yeah thanks for the offer but I kinda wanna figure things out on my own really and if I ever do want help I’ll ask... ya know ... I just wanna know if anybody else has dealt with this before and if so what did you do ?