What is considered (going too far)

I know when in a relationship people look at eachother 😂 men are going to eye other women and women are going to eye other men. But what exactly is going too far? My husband stares at other women (all the time) and I’m not talking about a glance I’m talking about he stares until he has to move his eyes to make sure he doesn’t run into something while walking. It really pisses me off but I don’t bother with it to say anything. We have hit a hole in our marriage and after telling him over and over he doesn’t even look at me like he used to..he stares at complete strangers while out with me.

I think I’m going to start staring at and even commenting on other men 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m just sick of it.

He’s a fcking jerk.

Update: I HAVE talked to him about this before when I said I won’t bother with it to say anything it’s because it doesn’t matter and it doesn’t change. I try and talk to him about what hurts me and the fact that he can’t even look at me like he’s in love anymore hurts...yet he stares at other women.