Looks like I’m out :(


UPDATE: back story. I had a Pregnant from

CBD then NOT

Pregnant the next day.

I took a FRT this morning and got a positive. Kind of faint though. I had a blood test drawn today, and my levels were only 17. :( super low. And I was reading that Clear Blue Digital needs 50 to register and I did get a pregnant on the clear blue digital Sunday but not Monday. So I’m taking it as my levels are dropping and I will miscarry/get AF soon. My doctor said they can’t say that for sure since they haven’t seen a trend but I already know it won’t be a happy ending. Sad part is that even though the nausea has subsided, I still

get bad waves of it, my breasts have been sooo sore and feeling so full today, And my sense of smell is off the wall. Cruel body of mine. I’m praying for acceptance and healing. Sorry for the long post. I wish you all the best in your pregnancies!!! Blessings to all!