Are there any unmarried first time moms in here?



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Posted at
I been with my kids father for 17 yearsWith 2 kids and the 3rd one the way And we still not married 🤷🏽‍♀️😩😂We are more happy than married couples that I know 🤷🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️


Jenn • Feb 27, 2019
Same..16yrs together not married but pretty much are...a home, an 8yr old, many pets, and another on the way


Ha • Feb 27, 2019
Same! We’ve been together for 17 years too also not married and also expecting baby no 3! Since we’ve been together we’ve seen marriages, divorces, fights, affairs etc between friends and we’re still stronger than ever! 💪🏻❤️


Posted at
I say no but that was the situation with my first. Her dad and I had only been together for two months before we got pregnant. Fast forward to now we are on baby #3 and going 2 years of marriage in September and 6 years together on the 24th!


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I was unmarried with my first (2017) and got married in 2018 and we’re having our second now!


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Yup we arent married. We had to do ivf and went through two rounds. We figured we would try for kids first since we had to spend so much money and then worry about a wedding later. Our thought process was spend tht money on kids while we have it and are still young enough for it to work...we can have a wedding any time. We arent in any rush. I still call him my husband all the time though haha.


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Known the father for 5 years. Friends for most of it, although he tried dating me for most of it and I had totally friend zoned him. 😂We dated for like a week before we went a year and a half without talking. We met up and eventually I went to visit him because he moved across country. During our visit we started dating and I moved in with him (not only to be with him but, better job opportunities and lifestyle). Maybe 3 months later, and I was pregnant. We got engaged and aren’t getting married until after the baby. Which has caused some upset with my family but, I’d like to keep my health insurance while pregnant 😂


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Me, been with my boyfriend a year when I found out I was pregnant. We plan to marry later in the future, god spare our lives. I’m 21 and he 20 🤣🤣🤣


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we're not legally married but we say we are and on baby #2. And we're both happy the way everything is. been together for 4 years.


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Not married yet and this is our first kid. Eventually we plan on being married but my life is too complicated to do it at the moment


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When I got pregnant, we planned for the baby, but we were still dating. Now however we are Engaged, so still not yet married!