Baby making process 😉🤞🏻

Halie • Mommy to Weston💙 Wife to Jacob💍 Baby #2 due 11/20/2019 💕 21 🍹

Hey ladies, I just wanted to quickly ask all of you who take the time to read this to please pray (if that’s your thing) that my hubby & I make a baby tomorrow 🤞🏻 I took Clomid on cd3-7 & just got my positive OPK a few minutes ago on cd 15🙌🏼 we’ll be baby making tonight & hopefully an egg catches one tomorrow. I’ll also keep praying for all you mamas that’s TTC as well 🤱🏼 baby dust to all of us & good luck on that next cycle 🤞🏻🤞🏻

If anybody would like to keep up this thread & comment your dpo & symptoms I would love to connect with some of you 💕💕