i need help :(

Natalee • bisexual | 19 🌹 | single

hey you beautiful ppl :) 🌹 so i need some help. idk what i want to do for college bc What im really passionate about is making youtube videos and making content. i also am really good at social media and want to be a social media influencer one day. But idk how to start or what i would take in college to make something like that happen. i feel like it’s just a wasted dream that won’t ever happen, because idek if there is even a program for that in any colleges. i’ve thought about business degree before but i dont know. since i told my mom i really don’t know what i want to do she’s talked to me about taking basic colleges like english & math at a community college first and then going to another college when i figure out what i want to do. opinions? Im open ears for any suggestions.