12 dpiui


AF due today as I have an 11-12 day luteal phase. No sign of her yet. Like really, no PMS symptoms - which is weird because I actually have severe PMS usually.

Took a test. Ok a couple test. They look negative to me. I keep thinking I maybe see something but i know if I have to convince myself by editing the picture every which way - it’s still negative.

I dunno. My RE said to test this Friday if I haven’t gotten my period. Maybe I’m still in this month? This was my fourth <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, first round on Clomid, ended up with a couple great follicles. If this doesn’t work, my RE wants to check my tubes with an HSG even though she doesn’t think I have any blockage.

I’m feeling all the feels you guys. Like on one hand I really think this month worked, and on the other I’m convinced I’m out bc those tests have all been negative.

Please send good baby dust. I’m thinking of you all as well and sending baby dust your way. ❤️