I’m depressed and he isn’t helping

My boyfriend who I live with knows I’m depressed I have told him many times and it’s quite obvious. It’s like he doesn’t believe me though. I have no motivation to do practically anything except force myself to go to work, I still clean but I slack a lot. My back is also aching from an accident I was in last month (I have a dr appointment soon) so it hurts the most after work, I’m on my feet all day at work, and I will just want to relax on the couch after. He will bitch at me because I sit on my phone all the time. He calls me lazy, selfish, and says I look like a crack head when I’m on my phone, like my phone is crack for me. He’s very nasty when he says these things to me. He will go on and on and will call me names under his breath as well but loud enough for me to hear. I usually end up shouting for him to stop and then he will call me loud and embarrassing.

I told him I’d much rather talk to him than be on my phone but when he is being negative I don’t want that extra negative energy and would rather be on my phone. I said what’s the difference from being on a phone and watching tv? (All he does is watch tv). He will sometimes bitch at me for calling my mom on my phone quite a bit too.

I feel like I have to remind him everyday that I’m depressed and my back hurts and then he will be like understanding, he’ll make me dinner sometimes and rub medicated lotion on my back for me which is really nice, then the next day he starts bringing me down again. He’s going through money struggles himself right now and I have tried to be supportive but I told him to not take his frustrations out on me, but it’s like he can’t stop.