Can’t just assume...

That you’re ovulating unless you’ve had it confirmed that you IN FACT do ovulate.

OPK’s do not confirm ovulation.

They only confirm LH surge.

Ovulation and LH surge are DIFFERENT THINGS.

So upon saying that, if you have not been able to get your lady parts checked out and confirm ovulation with blood tests and ultrasound, AND/OR don’t track your BBT... you can’t possibly know if you “have a chance”

Or if you’re ovulating at all.

Some women ovulate every other cycle, or only once in every 4 cycles — whatever the case may be.

If you are truly wanting and trying for a child, and it’s been unsuccessful.. at the one year mark, please.... go visit your doctor. They WILL help, and try and get some answers for you.

Otherwise... you may drive yourself crazy trying and trying, wondering “WHY” and “WHATS WRONG WITH ME”

Then find out after how many years trying, you finally go to the doctor and... there’s a reason!

And that’s not fair to you. Not fair to your body.


Remember that.