What to do?


Having the weirdest cycle I’ve ever had over here. Cd 24 and I have yet to have a positive opk. The past couple of days I have been spotting on and off and my opks have been super light. The spotting is brownish/pinkish, mixed with a bunch of ewcm. Im also having a tiny bit ewcm without brown. Most of it has some brownish tint. Sorry to be gross but I’m going to attach a picture from today. I don’t wtf is going on. I don’t think it’s af because my cycles are over 30 days usually. Never shorter than 28 days. Never. I doubt ovulation spotting or implantation bleeding would last over 3 days and if it was from ovulation wouldn’t I start to get a positive opk or at least a tiny lh surge. My real question is since I’m having some ewcm should I just bd tonight anyways or throw in the towel for this month? Here’s a gross pic (this is the most bleeding I’ve had, never got to the pad) and some opks!

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