FTM Positive Unmedicated Birth Story


I know there’s many of us who want and unmedicated labor and delivery but are nervous or worries about what that actually looks like. Here’s my story in hopes that it gives you confidence to know that you CAN do it!! Our bodies are meant to do it and to lean into the unknown of labor and delivery because it’s ok. It’s all ok, mama.

40+3 - I woke up from a contraction and looked at the clock. 2:22am. Felt several more, about 2-3 minutes apart. They were menstrual cramps right in the center of public area. Nothing too big but I just knew this was the start. I showered, finish packing and headed to the hospital. I didn’t even both to call. We arrived and I got checked and admitted around 3:30-4am and was 3cm 90% effaced.

***the overnight nurse was miserable and totally unsupportive. She mentioned to me serval times how long labor is for FTM and used the phrase, “childbirth is traumatic”. Told me to just go ahead and get the epidural whenever I wanted. This is all after I have already shared my intentions to go unmedicated. Luckily she was gone by 8am, which is when I’m due for my next check**

Until the 8am check I’m feeling the contractions, leaning into them. Squeezing my husbands hand and relaxing my body during and after contractions. Knowing and trusting my body can open up and make space for the baby as long as I allow it to. It’s all mental.

I find out they won’t check until 9 but I’m persistent that I’d like to be checked early as things have gotten stronger and there are pushing urges already arriving. They check and I’m at 9cm, 100% effaced. There’s a thin bit of cervix that needs to go away before I can actually push. They’ll come back in 30-45 min to check. My pushing urges continue and by the time they get back I’m sure I’ve hit the full 10! But I haven’t. I don’t want to live in this stage much longer so we decide to break my bag and get me on the peanut ball.

That does the trick! These were my hardest most trying contractions. They were fast, strong and the push urge was so so SO hard to resist. My eyes have been closed this whole time now, I’m trying to stay as inward as possible. I’m using a low deep sound to breath out and keep my mouth as relaxed and open as possible. After 15-20 minutes or so before I really need them to give me the ok to push. Finally! I can start pushing. It’s now 11:30am

With my mom on one leg and my husband on the other I push with each contraction. I don’t use a mirror but I use my hand to encourage me along. I want to change positions to help him get down around the public bone so we get out the bar and I squat down and use that to help drop him down more and more. That definitely makes a difference. I used the bar for maybe 8-10 contractions and finally his head has started crowning. I lean back and do the final pushes. I felt pressure and some stinging but I don’t recall the “ring of fire” being much of anything really. It feels so GOOD to know he’s almost out and that’s what you’re really working towards. He’s out by 12:45! An hour of pushing and just over 10 hours from when it all started.

I know every labor is different, every pregnancy is different. But I believe because I was able to relax my body and give into each contraction instead of pull back against it, I was able to dilate quickly and efficiently. The books I read are ina Mays child birth book, hypnobirthing, the birth book by dr Sears and easing labor pain by Lieberman.

Happy to answer any questions. You got this!!!! 🙌🏼💪🏼🧡