Needing to vent!!!

I'm so frustrated and freaking out! I'm due this April 6th with a wonderful baby boy, they said I may go early so it could even be the end of March. This is me and my husbands third child we have a beautiful 5 year old daughter as well as our first whom we ended up loosing. Every since me and my husband got married we have had issue after issue between being pregnant and homeless for a time, loosing our first child in a late miscarriage, going into low income, having our second child my beautiful daughter and crawling our way up to buying our first house we have seriously been through it all! My family is poor so we couldn't really ask for help from them and my husbands family are not supportive or helpful, my husband doesn't want anything from them as he feels like they are toxic and completely untrustworthy. So a couple years later, My husband finally found a really good job which allowed me to stop working my CNA job and stay at home with my daughter. We have slowly been pulling ourselves out of debt and been on good ground. We were even able to get our first reliable car. Everything seemed to be going so good, So we decided to try get pregnant and give our daughter a sibling. After about a year and a half of trying I got pregnant. And about four months ago my husband lost his job along with 7 other people (that we know of) No one saw this coming it was completely out of the blue and blind sided everyone. The company had been hiding the fact that they were bleeding money. So they didn't even give him two weeks it was just over that day and don't come in the next. It was awful. So he ended up having to take a job that doesn't even pay as good as most fast food jobs just so that we had something coming in. We are now weeks away from our new baby and I don't even have diapers. We had to use our whole tax return on catching up on our house payment. My husband doesn't want me to try to find a job while pregnant and going to be soon mother of 2 kids under 5. He's been searching for jobs that will help us and he has the experience to get but it's just been hard to find anything that will truly help us. I tried for ebt for assistance and they told us that we make to much even though my husband is bringing in about $600 bi-weekly. We are looking into freezing our house payment until he finds work that actually can support us. It's so frustrating I feel like these past years of us clawing our way up was completely wiped away and we're back to where we started. I just needed to vent because I feel like I'm going to end up having my boy early just because I keep stressing out, but I cant seem to calm down either.