Pregnant or miscarriage


Me and my husband have been TTC for 9 years

Yesterday I went into ER because I got extremely concerned that I started my period February 12th and from the 12th thru 16th it was very very light I wasn’t even changing because there wasn’t even enough.

Then the 17th, 18th, 19th it was a bit more I’d say about medium

Now the 20th it was heavy but a normal heavy

Then 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th and 26th it was very very light only when I wipe

Now this has never happened before

I went in yesterday the 26th to the ER not expecting to hear

Well your pregnant but we don’t know if it’s a miscarriage or you are early into your pregnancy

Because the count is very low

So they did a ultrasound with a wand thing and the lady said she doesn’t see baby she checked if baby could be hiding n no signs so she said I’m probably early

But then was told by dr u could also be at the end of a miscarriage so check with a obgyn because they have the proper tools to check

So I made a appointment with obgyn went in today and she saw me for 7minutes at most and said she believes it’s a miscarriage

Now she didn’t touch or exam me at all just went based off what the ER papers said idk

What to think

Any suggestions