Does your baby nap or sleep in their stroller, car seat (when you are outside)?


We can’t make any plans during our baby’s nap time like going out or something (forget about night time she would kill us😰) cause she is very particular about her sleep conditions. It should be in ber crib, in a dark room with soft noise. We could never co-sleep 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anyway, she never sleeps in her stroller- she hates it actually, it is always a fight-. We don’t have a car but god forbid if we put her in a car seat😫😫She cries non stop when we have to rent a car to run errands. We Uber/Via everywhere and we always hold her on our lap and she still cries during most of the trip cause she hates cars too. Basically anything restraining including high chairs too of course🤦🏻‍♀️. So forget about eating outside with baby too. Anyway, I am just curious is there any other parents out there that are meticulously planning their life around their particular baby and it’s sleep time?😂😂

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