Toddlers to sleep😴😴

How do you get your little one to sleep? Are you able to just lay them down and they go to sleep on their own? Do you rock them? Sit in their/your room with them until they fall asleep? Do you have a tv that they watch and go to sleep? Put them in bed with you?

Of course we have a bedtime routine with bath, books and then bed time, we always stick to around the same time every night to.

My son use to go to sleep with us just laying him down in his bed but he hit the no sleep stage and now he will climb out of his play pen that’s in our room and refuses to go to sleep. So stressful. I have tried to my wits ends to just keep putting him back in his bed like usual but it doesn’t work.. So now what seems to somewhat work is me going in the room with him and laying down like I’m going to sleep to with all the lights off, he’ll kick around and talk but he knows not to try to climb out because I’m right there and he’ll eventually go to sleep. He’s never been the baby/toddler that will sleep in bed with us, he likes his bed, he just still sleeps in our room. His room is on the opposite end of our house and I can’t bring myself to put him in there at night to sleep. Lol

So I was just curious on how you guys lay your toddlers down with bedtime especially when they go through the stage of not wanting to.