What symptoms did you bfp ladies get at around 10dpo?

Bee • ♥️

I've been experiencing cramps from around ovulation day 18th Feb, cramps have changed over the course of the days (different type of cramp) now it kind of feels like a wind pain sometimes but no wind to go with it. Around 7dpo I had pains at the very tops of my thighs which has gone slightly but still there sometimes just not as bad, on and off nausea since around 4dpo, only the past 12 hours or so I've been getting like a slight pulling sensation behind my belly button.. I have a 6 year old but I was only 17 when I fell pregnant now 24 and I can't really remember my symptoms, I remember having a period type of pain which I thought was AF coming which lasted until I was a few weeks pregnant..

Really hoping for some sticky fertilised eggs this month. I've had 2 chemicals since February last year 😞