#TTC2 |Ovulation test | irreg. cycle


My cycle has varied from 28-33 days since having the implant removed Nov 2018 . I only had it in for five months but basically bled the entire time.

Last month I started using Clearblue ovulation test as we are TTC #2 and wanted to take the guessing away because my cycles hadn’t been consistent.

Most recent AF was from 18-22nd Feb and I decided to randomly start using o.test on cd9 my results so far are:

(26th - low, 27th - high and 28th - peak) .

It caught me by surprise and have only BD today . According to the app (I know it’s only estimated) I’m at the end of my fertile week as when I input ovulation results in it changed my fertile week

If on the 26th - I had low fertility surely I have a few more days up my sleeve to BD .

Am I out ? Feeling disappointed.

Was really hoping to fall

Pregnant and have baby due by end of this year 😒