Boyfriend went out with another girl, again?

Okay so last month my boyfriend went out to have a drink and dinner with another woman. He knows her from high school and they reconnected. We went to the same high school and I know OF her, she’s sweet but I don’t know her well or never have spoken to her. Point is though he didn’t even tell me about it. I was at work and I had his MAC and he didn’t know the messages were coming in from his iMessage. He initiated the contact and was asking her to hangout and go grab a drink and dinner. She was busy and he offered to “relieve her from her stress” or whatever. They even smoked together (marijuana) and he drove her over to the restaurant. I was waiting for him to tell me and he never did. So I was pissed and brought it up. He made the excuse “I didn’t lie I just didn’t tell you.” And even said “I knew you were getting the messages the whole time” oh please. That’s LYING.

But anyways I got upset and told him that he’d be upset if I went out with a guy alone and didn’t say anything. Well whatever, so fast forward to yesterday. He goes MIA for an hour and a half and I’ve had a stressful day with school and work. I text him asking if he’s okay and he responds 30 minutes later that he went to go play pool with that girl. Him alone. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t pissed again. He then proceeds to say “I should’ve invited you it was a free night.” Like seriously? I ask why he didn’t tell me before and he said he kept his phone charging in the car.

NOW I was mad. Recentlty we’ve been having issues with him always being on his phone when we’re together. He took me to the movies Sunday and said he wouldn’t be on his phone. Well he got so high before he ended up sleeping throughout most the movie and was TEXTING PEOPLE DURING every time he “woke up”.

So the fact that he didn’t have his phone on him for an hour and a half and was with the girl alone pissed me off. I felt like he could give her his undivided attention but not me. I felt it was more so so he could enjoy his time with her without worrying about me texting him or questioning him.

Am I wrong for feeling his way?? He doesn’t seem to think so as he says he could’ve lied to me, thought about it, but didn’t 🙄 I HATE hay stupid line.

“I CoUldvE LiEd tO yOu” lookin ass. What am I supposed to do?? Thank him and kiss his feet for deciding not to lie ?!??

I don’t want to be controlling and I know I have some insecurity issues. He’s never cheated but he’s definitely “emotionally” cheated bc I’ve caught him so many times snapping or texting inappropriate things to other women or meeting up with women “friends” to hangout without telling me. (not too often) but definitely he texting snapping thing. We JUST had an argument last weekend bc he was texting a woman inappropriate shit on his snap and he said he’d stop. He promised.

We’ve been together 4 years a week from today. I love him a lot. I’m not perfect and the ONLY thing I ask of him is to respect me when it comes to other women. He can’t seem to stop that ONE thing and it hurts me.

We’re both 23 turning 24 this year and young and I know we’re still figuring ourselves out and I told him don’t be with me if he wanted to be with other women or talk to them bc that’s my boundaries. I feel like it’s always something with another woman and he doesn’t have clear boundaries with them.

I don’t know I need advice.

also he just texted me saying I’m right and that he shouldn’t have female friends. That’s not what I said he CAN but he just doesn’t know how to set boundaries during texts when he’s inappropriate how can I trust him alone and in person with another woman? At least we could hangout together so I could meet her!!

Ahh help please :(