What the actual fuck?!?

I just try to eat after not eating from anxiety after having sex and now im getting a random hot flash! My symptoms have been bloating, tender boobs, gassiness, diarrhea, and now hot flashes. I havent eaten because i was too scared to eat. Im taking birthcontrol pills but my period doesmt start until every 3 months. I used a condom the last time i had sex which was 3 weeks ago and my bf pulled out so there was no way that any cum would get near me. I dont understand whats going on with my body and I've been crying and starving myself... Am i making myself sick from over thinking and fear or my nightmare is coming true?... Also i ask if i should take a pregnancy test but everyone i do ask said that would be a waste because im fine. Some one please tell me if this ever happened to them and they turned out fine...

Update: the nausea stpped ive been eating now and im feeling better. My boobs still hurt and im still bloated and that gassiness is still there 😅... One of my friends is trying her best to help me out and i appreciate it alot. I'm still taking my birthcontrol everyday around the same times (7/8) and my period will hopefully be here in 1 month, but my anxiety is still there its not going away XD. If theres something to do to relax that would be great.