Pumping and supply? Please help🍼


I am currently 7 weeks postpartum. When my milk first came in, I had oversupply(confirmed by lactation consultant). I was always leaking and my boobs were hard and full. I was exclusively pumping. I would pump and get anywhere from 6-12 ounces every 3-4 hours. I once didn’t pump for 8 hours and pumped 16 ounces after that 8 hour gap.

I stopped pumping for about 3 weeks and just focused on regular breastfeeding because I wanted a pumping break. Well, I pumped again for the first time in 3 weeks and nothing came out (even though I hadn’t nursed for 2 hours). I tried again the next day and I got 2 ounces. Now, the most I have gotten is 4 ounces. Has my supply dropped? Or can my body recognize the suction isn’t the same as my baby’s mouth? It’s making me think that my baby isn’t getting enough. If my supply did drop, any tips on increasing supply that worked for you?

Also!!! Important to note me and baby have developed thrush that were being treated for. We’ve both had it about 2 weeks. She’s been eating a tiny bit less but still throughout the day and night. Not sure if this plays a part in my supply.