
I'm a first time mom, so I'm scared I won't know when I'm going into labor, or when my water breaks, and such. People say "you will just know." I didn't even know I was pregnant until 8 weeks. I keep having Braxton hicks at 26 weeks. I'm not dehydrated, my baby is really active so that could be the cause. I do cramp badly when I need to go poop, but I don't feel like I have too. I have a really high pain tolerance, I live with chronic pain, and always pushed myself to the limit with pain. I want to do a natural birth, I am absolutely scared of not feeling my legs, I like having control of my body at all times. My boyfriend thinks I will chicken out and get the pain relief, I think he forgets it feels like someone is jabbing a knife into my skull all day everyday, and will get to the point I don't want to move, but I do. I know child birth is a completely different story. I feel it'll be impowering. Anyways, how will I know when I'm going into labor? I know the signs like back pain, I've had that since 9 weeks. Water breaking, I've always had a lot of watery discharge, so I'm scared I wouldn't know, and of course more. I have like all those things already. Does it get worse when you go into labor? Please don't be mean I'm just trying to get ready and understand.