What happens when your best friend gets a new boyfriend?


My best friend who i love to pieces has recently been in a relationship with a wonderful guy who i think is great, can’t stress that enough, for about 3/4 months now. This is her second relationship and she is completely obsessed with him 😂 i’m so happy for them, and if i’m honest i hope they are together for a long long time, but I can’t help feeling that our once vibrant and fun filled friendship has disappeared.

It obviously inevitable that now she has this new person in her life I’m not her top priority anymore, and that’s fine by me I understand, but i never new it would go this far.

Me and her don’t go to the same school anymore and I don’t get home till late in the evenings where as she finishes far far earlier most days, so i don’t expect her to wait hours and hours for me to return, but even before she had this new bf e would only see each other at most 9 hours a week. and when you go from seeing someone everyday to 1 time every 2 weeks it does have an effect.

I noticed our friendship change when she would take hours upon hours during the day to reply to messages, when she had clearly been active on snapchat for much longer. At first it annoyed me a little but i got over it, and when i finally confronted her she admitted that she was wrong but never actively apologised. if i was seeing her every day as we used to i wouldn’t be so annoyed, but when you go to school hours away from each other i’d expect at least a message or something.

then we would finally make plans, and things would fall through and we eventually stopped seeing each other.

before when we would see each other we would know exactly what was on each other’s minds, could talk about the same things without judgment, but now that’s just gone.

this evening i found out that she is staying at his house for the first time, and that’s when i realised that she’s never going to leave that house. she will never just pop around the corner and meet me when she’s bored, she’s never going to go on little adventures with me anymore, she’s never going to laugh about the same things, because she doesn’t need me anymore, she’s got somebody else to do that with, and it breaks my heart.

this isn’t me being the jealous friend because i love her too much to be jealous and i’m too happy for her to be, i’m jusy sad that our chapter is ending and i feel like it will never be the same :(