TWW DIARY - starting 2/28

berry • Mama 💚🌱👶🏻

I decided to record my “symptoms” and things I’ve been feeling. Idk if these things are in my head, are related to conception or just random things happening but I’ll list them anyways.

2/28 1DPO - on and off sharp pain in my right pelvic area, constipation (I’ve been constipated for a couple days now though) so I doubt it’s related. Nauseousness on and off (prob due bc I haven’t had a proper bowel movement) cravings (but even before ttc I’d have cravings) appetite increase. Cramping for a little that felt almost like pms cramps.

3/1 2DPO- constipation continues. Felt depressed and overwhelmed today. In the morning I felt a kind of heaviness in my lower abdomen which didn’t last long. Had hot flashes. And felt dizzy for a couple seconds when I was trying to zip up my suitcase. Drank a cup of tea and felt nauseous a little while after

3/2 3DPO- in the middle of the very early morning sometime after midnight had painful left pelvic pains to the point where I had to switch which side I was laying on. I also feel gassy. Had first bowel movement since the 26th. Craving lots of junk( but that’s normal for me) however did contemplate putting hot sauce on eggs or eggs on pizza which probably isn’t related but decided just to add that. Had cramps that made me actually wonder if I was bleeding or not. Felt almost like pms cramps.

3/3 4DPO- felt a heaviness in my right pelvic area as if I had to pee but I didn’t. Having very slight pressure in that area. Went to bed at around 11 last night instead of after midnight because I felt tired. The smell of a bologna sandwich grossed me out. When before I couldn’t even smell the bologna. Having to pee a lot today it seems. I just peed an hour ago and I didn’t even drink a lot today. Had better bowel movements today. The second one was on the softer side but I think it had to do with me being really stressed out. Felt tired as well but I believe that had to do with me being emotionally drained

3/4 5DPO - had some gas even though I pooped a lot yesterday and haven’t eaten anything since. High levels of stress and worried it will prevent implantation. Feeling some right pelvic discomfort turning into pain. Feeling tired at around 6pm.

3/5 6DPO- just felt a sharp left pelvic pain for a second. Had slight cramping. Feeling nauseous. Had a slight headache. Had very sharp painful feeling in right pelvic area seemed like near ovary. Pain lasted a couple seconds. Feeling actually cramps now on the right side nothing unbearable but noticeable. I’m not sure why I’ve been cramping for 6 days now on and off but I really do hope I’m pregnant if I’m not I’m going to be so confused. I’m going to try to wait until at least 8DPO to test. Strong feeling that I’m going to puke. Cramps started to feel like pms ones??? Tired from traveling and waking up early so I’m excited to sleep

3/6 7DPO - was so tempted to test today instead of waiting til the 9th but bf said to wait. Feeling tired and nauseous off and on. Woke up and my left nipple was sore but only because of dryness and because the past days I was scratching it sometimes I guess. If im not pregnant I’m going to feel so dumb and sad :/ I just want to know. Slight cramping barely there. Second time I had a dream I was pregnant.

3/7 8DPO- tiny bit of cramping nothing really too noticeable. I’m just irritable and sometimes feel a tiny bit of nausea. I’m feeling so depressed today and defeated and just starting to think all this is in my head or just a coincidence. I tested today even though I shouldn’t I just felt like maybe implantation had already happened because on the 5th I had pretty bad cramps. I also had sharp pain that last a few seconds that was pretty painful. The test was negative and even though I have a week until my period and was originally going to wait until the 9th to test I’m starting to think maybe I’m not pregnant after all and the thought kills me. Hot flashes and constipation. Cramps are noticeable now feels like pms. :/ been really emotional today. Woke up from nap with a slight bloody taste in my mouth???? Finally pooped

3/8 9DPO- right pelvic pain. Then cramps that feel like aunt flow is coming :/ starting to worry and get even more discouraged. Feeling a little nauseous. Feeling gassy even though I haven’t eaten anything since pooping. So nervous for tomorrow really praying for a positive even a faint one. Felt a kind of tugging sensation in the left pelvic area??? Ready to go bed at 5:30pm and feeling hot. Still cramping and still worried of AF coming. Going to test tomorrow morning with fmu very nervous. Emotional and kinda felt like I was gonna almost puke but that maybe bc of stress?? Went to bed at 8:30 last night.

3/9 10DPO - was trying to hold my pee all night as fmu but went to pee at 1am. Feeling so anxious and sad right now just waiting to test when I actually get up not sure if I should’ve tested when I first peed. Feeling nauseous and having hot flashes. Slight cramping. Tested and got a BFN I figured I would but I was hoping for the best. Feels like I’ll never see those two lines. I’ll retest in 2 days since ovia said that’s the earliest I could test just in case I got my cycle average wrong. Just sucks. Felt pulling/twinges in my left pelvic area. Cramps after pooping and feeling more nauseous after pooping. Took a nap today and woke up still tired ready to go to bed at 7pm.

3/10 11DPO - boobs look slightly bigger but that happens for me sometimes near period. They don’t hurt though and feel slightly heavier? Feeling cramps again. For a minute my back felt like it was hurting? But it’s not anymore. My right nipple felt like it wanted to be sore too but it’s fine. Right nipple is now sore. Feeling some nausea. Black tea seems to make me nauseous now even decaf. Cervix feels high and soft. Felt nauseous while at work but not as bad as before. Feeling tired at around 8pm and ready to go to bed. Going to retest in the morning very scared.

3/11 12 DPO - took a rest at 2am BFN. I know they say you’re not out until AF shows but I just give up at this point. I’m kind of just done praying for it. I’m tired of being disappointed thinking the next test is going to be different