Help! So much crying


Need some advice! Im a ftm with a 7 week old baby boy and if he isn’t sleeping or eating he’s usually crying. Obviously babies cry but this seems excessive. When we brought him home we had to supplement with formula. He was miserable most days and seemed overly gassy/fussy/inconsolable. Since then we’ve switched to a formula specifically for allergies/colic. He’s a bit better but he still mostly screams when he isn’t sleeping or eating. Sometimes you can get a good 10-15 min of calm (in a swing or on a playmat) but he will inevitably become irritated and cry. Soothers don’t work when he gets to that point and swaddling only works sometimes. I’m not sure if he’s overtired, gassy, or just needs a better schedule during the day but it’s extremely frustrating. Sometimes we just feed him because it’s the only thing that will calm him down. Any suggestions? Will this just resolve on its own? Please say yes because I would love to hang out with him and enjoy this time but he’s just a bear!