Should I see a doctor?

So I noticed an ingrown hair yesterday right at the triangle part of my lady bits (really sorry I don’t know proper terms) and I didn’t do anything about it Bc I get them from time to time and they just kinda go away I guess.

Well fast forward to tonight I touched it just to see if it went down in size and it felt like it grew which was strange to me and it really hurt. Like a lot.

So I couldn’t help but to poke around at it and I grabbed a pair of tweezers and started plucking near it and once I was done with that I decided to try and pop it. And I couldn’t pop it and it hurt really bad so I just left it alone.

Fast forward 5 mins I go back to pop it lol and this time it popped really really easily.

But the pus was like really gross (like more pus than I’ve seen from a pimple let alone an ingrown hair) and it kinda smelled weird. But I’m also treating a yeast infection right now (fml)

But I was wondering, will I be okay since I popped it? And how do I make sure that it won’t grow in size?

Do I need to see a dermatologist?

Like I went online and now I’m paranoid I’m gonna get a staph infection