Am i wrong..


Ok so me and my boyfriend have been dating for 5 years.. He is a good dad and gets his daughter every weekend.. I have 4 kids of my own.. And they spend the weekend at there dad's two weekends a month.. So I'm kid less two weekends a month.. I don't know if his ex does things intentionally.. But will call him the day of to come get his daughter.. There is no set pick up time or day.. It could be Fri, Sat or Sun.. We can't plan anything because plans revolve around picking her up.. Even if he does know when he has to pick her up he never shares this info with me.. Sometimes she will cancel the visit.. And he will know and won't tell me. So i become upset because i could of planned an outing for us to spend time together.. Since we always have his kid around. Some us time would be good.. I have asked for one day a month for him to dedicate too me.. No kids just us.. He agreed but will follow thru for a month or two then stop.. We don't officially live together.. Which means he sleeps at my house everyday go to work and come back.. So he lives there i guess lol but his stuff is not at my house.. We recently had a fight and we haven't talked in a week.. His ex cancelled visitation and he knew and didn't tell me.. I haven't been out with this man in months.. I felt that he disregards me and doesnt consider me in his decisions.. Or makes us time.. Since he always has his daughter on the weekend. I feel like his backup plan.. When she doesn't come.. I'm a single mother i work with special needs kids all week.. I'm up at 5am and down by 11pm.. I don't do things alone cause he throws a fit..(my fault i know) but it's not worth the arguement for me.. Sometimes he goes off to do things with his daughter alone.. Which doesn't bother me.. I stay home clean do laundry etc.. When his daughter comes over on weekends.. And my kids are at there dad's.. I get up when she gets up .. Early as hell..Feed her and stay up with her.. While he sleeps in till 1pm.. Why can't i sleep in.. Why can't i rest.. Why can't i have a day with no kids.. Am i selfish.. Like he says I am.. Because i told him i don't want them over one weekend when i have no kids.. So i can wake up late.. Not cook.. Catch a movie..(without it being kid friendly). Maybe visit a friend.. Fuck maybe walk around naked in my house if i want to.. Am i being petty.. I love him but his lack of giving me a special place hurts..