Im not sure how to read his emotions, please help

He’s been my best friend for over a year now and now he left his girlfriend and has been on his own for a month and a half. I’ve been staying the night with him here and there. The other night in bed he looks over at me and asks “ why do you do everything you do for me?” And I told him “because you’re my best friend and I enjoy myself around you, I care about you and I try and show that in everything I do” he then asks “would you still drive the 30 mins to not have sex when we hung out? To just spend time with eachother?” and I was shocked but said “of course I would. I don’t come over for the sex, I come over for you. The second is just a perk” and then he said alright, cuddles me and falls asleep& idk how to interpret his emotions. The next day he sends me these messages

Like last week he did make it a point to say that he didn’t want me being with anyone else but him sexually & he said he wouldn’t be with anyone but me but I didn’t know how to interpret that either lol I’m having a rough time figuring out his emotions and was curious to other people’s input.