

I am 29 weeks pregnant. I just started taking Zoloft. I’m on my fourth day. It’s a low dose and I’m only taking half a pill for the first 8 days.

As far back as I can remember I’ve had trouble sleeping. Since I’ve been taking Zoloft I sleep hard. When I wake up in the middle of the night to roll over (as this turns into a huge task for a pregnant woman) I find that I am so tired and can barely even lift myself to roll over. I find myself needing a nap just a few hours after waking up. This is also a deep sleep.

Wondering if this is the medicine and if anyone has had the same experience?

I also have been feeling slightly sick to my stomach for the past few days. I take it with my prenatal at night after I have eaten supper.

I also got my Tdap vaccine the same day I started the new medication and also had to start taking an iron supplement because my iron was really low.

Can any of these be the reason I suddenly feel sick and heavily sedated?