Baby tried pulling a fast one on me 😭


Just a little rant thanks for listening if you read 😊

I’m 36 weeks and 3 days. My appt last Tuesday I was 1.5 centimeters and 50% effaced. Lost my mucous plug a day later. Yesterday I was walking through target and every step I took was shooting pain through my cervix and so much pressure I couldn’t walk. Then I realized my nipples were soaking colostrum through my shirt! This is my 4th baby and this has never happened to me before, I was so scared I called labor and delivery. They told me to come in if my contractions were regular so I took a bath and laid down. Contractions would come and go but not regular. Ever since then I’ve had this feeling like I’m sitting on his head! 😭 I can’t believe I feel this way and it’s not true labor! Im so scared for the real deal.. I went natural with my last one and I plan to this time but I don’t know if I can do it again. I felt like a cat in water last night trying to calm myself down. I’m hoping laughing gas will help my anxiety. I really did not enjoy my epidural experience with my first two kids. My next appt isn’t until Tuesday but I’m probably going to go in to L&D just to get checked because the pressure is so bad. I’m excited things are moving along on their own and I’m also really excited my milk is coming! I’m going to start collecting it at 37 weeks. 😍 I’m guessing I’m just in very early labor and he will be coming soon maybe a week or two! Anyone else having this experience?