Clearblue digital week estimator

Alexandria • Ds born 24/12/12 miscarriage 05/04/17 ectopic 04/10/17 DD born 03/11/19

So my clearblue week estimator tests arrived about half 9 this morning being super excited I used one, caused myself massive heart palpitations as the test popped up 1-2 weeks, I wasn't tracking to be honest had stopped everything since January as it was stressing me out but we did only DTD once in February on the 9th so I kind of have an idea obviously sperm can live for upto 5 days and my cycle is not regular it really varies between 30-35 days but averagely is about 34 days so from my estimations I'm about 4 weeks and 4 days from all the times I've tracked I usually ovulate on cd20 so that's what I'm going off so I knew it was wrong.

Held my pee for 3 hours did another and bam 2-3 weeks so that puts me then in the 4-5 weeks bracket which is correct from my calculations 🤓🤓

Anywho beware ladies when using these