We are so happy

Elisa • Back using my favourite pregnancy app, baby number 6 on its way 🤰🏼💁🏽‍♂️🤴🏻👸🏼🤴🏻👸🏼

So today me an my husband went for our 20 week scan I’m 20 weeks 4 days everything is good and we got to see little mans private parts 🤦🏼‍♀️ he was just flashing it about with no cares in the world, I was told on the gender guess on this that I was having a girl because of where my placenta was lay we are over the moon weather boy or girl but he’s definitely a boy I just think we shouldn’t take those guesses to heart the ones that are doing the guessing don’t know and are not trained. 🙏🏼🥰❤️